Visit Project

Project Details

Intertwined tells the story of the more than 577 people enslaved by George and Martha Washington at Mount Vernon. Told through the biographies of Sambo Anderson, Davy Gray, William Lee, Kate, Ona Judge, Nancy Carter Quander, Edmund Parker, Caroline Branham, and the Washingtons, this eight-part podcast series explores the lives and labors of Mount Vernon’s enslaved community, and how we interpret slavery at the historic site today.

Subjects or Themes

African American, American History, Slavery, Historic Preservation, Early America, Transatlantic Slave Trade, American Revolution, Presidency

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

Narrative Podcast

Target Audience(s)


James P. Ambuske, Jeanette Patrick, Brenda Parker, Curt Dahl



Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location

The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union

Software Employed

  • Squadcast, Audition

Labor and Support

Partnerships, funding sources, or grant-funding acknowledgement

Anonymous Friends of George Washington's Mount Vernon