Visit Project

Project Details

Waco History is a joint venture by two programs at Baylor University, the Institute for Oral History and The Texas Collection , in Waco, Texas. The Institute for Oral History houses the work of Waco History, identifying sites, supervising the creation of entries, and coordinating public partnerships for the project. Their collection of over 7,000 oral history enrich Waco History’s audio and video content. The Texas Collection shares its significant holdings on local history, heritage, and culture here. In particular, The Texas Collection’s wealth of historic images of Waco and McLennan County provide Waco History’s visual elements.

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

oral history, images, sound, mapping, place-vased storytelling

Target Audience(s)


Stephen Sloan



Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location

Baylor University

Software Employed

Labor and Support

created through class projects and the ongoing work of graduate assistants from the department of history and undergraduate interns in history.

Project Cost

Partnerships, funding sources, or grant-funding acknowledgement

Baylor University Summerlee Foundation Fentress Foundation