• 2024 AASLH-NCPH Poster Proposal Form

    Read the 2024 AASLH Call for Posters at https://aaslh.org/2024-call-for-posters/. Thank you for submitting a poster proposal for the NCPH-sponsored poster session at the 2024 AASLH annual meeting in Mobile, Alabama. Proposals are due July 8, and proposers will be notified of acceptance status by late July 2024. For questions about your poster submission, email NCPH Program Manager Meghan Hillman at [email protected]. For questions about AASLH 2024, email AASLH Professional Development Coordinator Becky Schoenbachler at [email protected].
  • Your proposal confirmation will be sent to this address after you submit. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please contact NCPH at [email protected] to ensure your proposal was successfully submitted.
  • Poster Information

  • Please tell us about your project in 300 words or fewer. Imagine that the audience for this proposal abstract is a museum visitor, potential funding agency, recalcitrant policy board or client, or fractious community group. What would you want them to know or see about your project if you could speak to them one-on-one for a few minutes?
  • Please upload a visual mock-up of your poster (created in Word, PowerPoint, Photoshop, etc. and saved as a PDF). We do not expect you to have the details of your poster decided at this point, but because the poster presentation is a visual medium we would like to see that you have put thought into design, layout, visual appeal, and organization of information. Feel free to use lorem ipsum or other filler text. If your file is too large to be uploaded here, please email it to [email protected].
    Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
  • Please check which of the following you need for your poster set-up.
  • Presenter #1 Information

  • for example, Graduate Student
  • We require this in case we need to contact you onsite should your proposal be accepted.
  • Please copy and paste a one-page CV or resume into this space.
  • Presenter #2 Information

  • for example: Graduate Student
  • Please copy and paste a one-page CV or resume into this space.
  • Presenter 3 Information

  • for example, Graduate Student
  • Please copy and paste a one-page CV or resume into this space.
  • Presenter 4 Information

  • For example, Graduate Student
  • Please copy and paste a one-page CV or resume into this space.
  • Privacy and Consent