Audiovisual Preservation Postdoctoral Scholar

University of Oregon University Libraries


Temporary Position

Academia, Archives & Libraries, Conservation

Salary Range

The University of Oregon Libraries’ Digital Library Services (DLS) department provides a limited-term opportunity for holders of a doctoral degree in library and information science to research multimedia digitization and metadata methods, processes, and best practices. Scholars will shape and participate in new audiovisual preservation workflows and investigate metadata standards for time-based digitized works. Scholars will have the opportunity to engage with faculty across the UO Libraries, professional organizations, and practitioners as they research and document issues surrounding at-risk media items housed in Special Collections and University Archives and across UO. This opportunity provides early-career librarians with meaningful work experience, helping prepare DLS for the systematic preservation of UO audiovisual holdings to support the teaching, research, and public service mission of the Libraries.

Reporting to the Director of Digital Library Services (DLS), the Audiovisual Preservation Postdoctoral Scholar investigates and develops procedures, standards, and best practices for the digitization and metadata application for time-based media including audio, video, and film materials in multiple analog formats. The Scholar will conduct research and create documented workflows in line with other cultural heritage institutions, including benchmarking and statistics; tracking unaccessioned or non-library materials; digitization standards, encoding, and formats for preservation and access; automated and eyes-on quality assurance; descriptive metadata standards and embedded metadata application; and preservation procedures complementing existing Libraries practice. The position gathers data on Special Collections and University Archives and other UO analog media holdings; performs research to identify potential unique or rare materials; assists library conservation staff in evaluating materials for condition and preservation risk; prioritizes materials for digitization; participates in grant writing for projects; and contributes to efforts in seeking external funding support. The Scholar will also formulate a process for planning large-scale preservation projects and working with vendors for digitization that cannot be done in-house.

The Scholar will serve on Libraries and UO committees, taskforces, and interdepartmental groups, and contribute to the advancement of the Libraries’ mission and strategic directions by taking advantage of relevant opportunities for professional development, including those related to issues of equity, inclusion, accessibility, and social justice.

The position is anticipated to last up to two years.

This position will have a formal mentorship plan.

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