May 29, 2024

Submit a letter of interest for NPS project by 8/1


Via our cooperative agreement with the National Park Service, the National Council on Public History seeks a qualified historian (or team of historians) to produce a comprehensive legislative history with an executive summary compiled in a professional, publishable report. This project will detail the legislation history and analyze how each legislative action influenced how the program is managed by the National Park Service over time, to include how funding was distributed to the individual NHAs and to the NPS regional offices. Please read the full narrative in PDF or Word format for the description of the project’s scope of work and timeline, as well as instructions for submitting your letter of interest and professional writing sample. Please note that we are particularly looking for PIs or project teams with experience with experience with policy history, program administrative history, or institutional history.

Compensation: $52,000. (This is the total compensation for the PI(s), although additional support is available should the PI choose to take on Section 508 Compliance work. NCPH’s indirect rate for project management, publication expenses, and peer review are separate budget lines and do not come out of the PI’s funding.)
Deadline for Letter of Interest to NCPH:  August 1, 2024
Expected Date to Award Project:  September 1, 2024
Anticipated Start Date:  October 1, 2024
Timeline for Completion:  May 15, 2026