2015 Annual Meeting Topic Proposals
Click on “VIEW PROPOSALS” in the sidebar to read Topic Proposal submissions and comments for the 2015 National Council on Public History conference in Nashville, Tennessee.
Click here for the 2014 introductory post about topic proposals. Here’s an excerpt:
Over the past few years there has been an increase in the number of proposals submitted for the conference, which reveals the growing interest in NCPH… Many of the proposals, however, were about closely related topics. The topic proposal option may help those interested in similar ideas and themes to make contact earlier in the process. The program committee always receives many worthy paper submissions from individuals, yet sessions created from unrelated topics sometimes do not do justice to presenters’ work. The program committee will continue to accept individual paper submissions, but we hope that some presenters who have great ideas and a project to present will use the topic proposal to meet like-minded people interested in joining forces and, subsequently, submit a proposal for a panel or other complete session format.