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Project Details

A People’s EPA (APE) is a website for everyone — the public, students, activists, journalists — to understand the federal agency’s importance within the United States, and for the whole planet. Since its creation in 1970, Congress has charged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with implementing laws that protect us from air pollution, dirty water, and hazardous waste, among other things. This process is complex. Our website provides a straightforward history of EPA’s programs, explains how it operates, and provides data and tools for you to explore and track the EPA in greater depth.

Resources include:
* Oral histories with EPA staff
* Documents gathered through FOIA
* Key historical documents
* Long-term data sets
* Interactive graphs and timelines
* Tools to track the EPA

Subjects or Themes

Environment, policy, federal, EPA, pollution, climate change, energy, justice, data, science

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

Oral History, Images, Text, Visualizations

Target Audience(s)


The Environmental Data & Governance Initiative (EDGI)
Co-curators: Leif Fredrickson and Jessica Varner



Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location

Environmental Data & Governance Initiative

Software Employed

  • Kirby, D3, Timeline JS

Labor and Support

Project Cost