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Project Details

"Better Craftsmen, Not Gods" is a critical examination of the development of T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land." Written in dialogue between them, scholar Tyler Malone and digital archive editor Robert Eric Shoemaker track the development of "The Waste Land" through manuscript versions and editorial correspondence among Eliot and his collaborators. The exhibit also addresses the personalities, prejudices, and politics that influence the legacy of poets who, for good and for ill, became canonical through their influence on others.

Subjects or Themes

Literature, Modernism, Art, Editing

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

Literary History, Images, Artifacts, Text, Criticism, Teacher Resources, Exhibition

Target Audience(s)


Tyler Malone, Robert Eric Shoemaker, and the Poetry Foundation



Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location

The Poetry Foundation

Software Employed

  • Craft and custom CMS

Labor and Support

Created for the 100th anniversary of "The Waste Land"

Project Cost

Partnerships, funding sources, or grant-funding acknowledgement

The exhibit curators thank Carolyn Vega of the New York Public Library; Peter London of HarperCollins; and Francesca Wade, a scholar who assisted at the Yale Beinecke Library, for their invaluable help and support in researching this exhibit.