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Project Details

An ongoing collaborative effort between Ohio State’s Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective and Getty Images, Picturing Black History seeks to uncover untold stories and rarely seen images of the Black experience, providing new context around culturally-significant moments by bringing them into the light and into view. Blending the breadth and depth of Getty Images’ imagery archives with the renowned expertise of Origins and Ohio State’s History Department, we seek to inform, educate, and move the world forward, by exploring the past. Picturing Black History offers free, open-access articles, videos, and podcasts.

Subjects or Themes

African American, Modern American History

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

Images, Videos, Articles, Interviews, Podcast

Target Audience(s)


Nicholas Breyfogle, Steven Conn, Bob Ahern



Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location

Ohio State University

Software Employed

Labor and Support

Project Cost

Partnerships, funding sources, or grant-funding acknowledgement

This project is an ongoing collaborative effort between Ohio State’s Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective and Getty Images.