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Project Details

The American Presidency Project core collection includes virtually all of the public papers, messages, speeches, and orders of American President. The collection is searchable and documents are categorized and tagged. The APP also includes related sets of documents for modern presidents including documents from the Press Office, Office of Management and Budget (Including Statements of Administration Policy). We have Donald Trump's twitter output starting with his official candidacy; many documents from presidential candidates; and election data. We have all the first lady documents distributed by the White House for recent presidencies. And much more.

Subjects or Themes

Presidents--American; Presidents & the Congress; Presidents and their first ladies

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

Primarily documents but also summary data tables and analytic articles.

Target Audience(s)


Professor John T. Woolley, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at University of California, Santa Barbara
Professor Gerhard Peters, Professor of Political Science at Citrus College, Glendora, CA.


Launched in 1999.

Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location

University of California, Santa Barbara

Software Employed

  • Drupal
  • there's some additional graphics software tucked away in there somewhere.

Labor and Support

The vast bulk of the work was done on a volunteer basis by the creators over years and years. It is ongoing. The shift from a basic html site to a Drupal site was supported in part by financial contributions from UCSB. Certain content has been created or prepared with the assistance of UCSB undergraduates working through the Faculty Research Assistance Program (FRAP). The the work of FRAP assistants is ongoing.

Project Cost

Partnerships, funding sources, or grant-funding acknowledgement

We have a modest level of financial support from individual donors.