Visit Project

Project Details

Visualizing the Red Summer aims to connect the public with the data and geographically dispersed archival material needed to facilitate further research on the Red Summer race riots and lynchings of 1919. The site includes an archive, interactive map and timeline, lesson plans, and additional resources.

Subjects or Themes

African American History, Violence, World War I, Labor History, Riots, Lynchings, Race

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

Images, Artifacts, Text, Mapping, Timelines, Teacher Resources

Target Audience(s)


Karen Sieber



Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location

N/A (self)

Software Employed

Labor and Support

This was created as a rogue personal project to collect and make available hard to find material on the Red Summer. I traveled to over 25 institutions across the country in 2015 to collect archival material and data about racial violence in 1919, and then built a database of all of the known incidents and resources. The site was created in roughly 8 months from inception to final product, entirely with my own labor, using the free open-source DH Press plugin for Wordpress. I continue to pay hosting and domain fees. The website is now used in five continents, and is a featured resource of the National Archives.

Project Cost