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Project Details

Yesterqueers is a public history project that explores and celebrates the broad expanse of queer history. Creator and Host Amanda W. Timpson creates narratively compelling and academically rigorous videos that help queer people see themselves within the rich tapestry of our lineage, and helps those outside the community understand that we have always been here and we have always been queer.

Subjects or Themes

LGBTQ+, Queer Culture, Queer People, Queer Studies, Transgender Archives, Two-Spirit People

Project Language(s)


Time Period

Geographic Location

Project Categories

Content Type

Audio, Video, Text, Teacher Resources, Primary Sources

Target Audience(s)


Amanda W. Timpson



Host Institution / Affiliation / Project Location


Software Employed

  • Squarespace, Power Director

Labor and Support

All labor for the project provided by Amanda W. Timpson. Estimated time for each video ranges from 4-12 hours inclusive of research, scripting, recording, editing, resource page creation, and uploading.

Project Cost

Partnerships, funding sources, or grant-funding acknowledgement
