Public Historians of Color #s29 #NCPH2016
Challenging the Exclusive Past must begin with the past of public history itself. As we work to create pluralistic narratives of historical events, it is imperative that we recognize the exclusive underpinnings of our field and actively endeavor to open its doors to diverse practitioners. This roundtable sought to create a safe space where graduate students and new professionals can discuss and explore various components of the public history “pipeline”: the ways in which public historians are trained and hired.
Chair: Blanca Garcia-Barron (@behristotle)
Panelists: LaQuanda Walters-Cooper (@lwalterscooper), Amber N. Mitchell (@anichellemitch), Camille Bethune-Brown (@CuratingCamille), and Ashley Bouknight (@NicNat_artifakz)
#ncph2016 #s29 @lwalterscooper I am a public historian because of my students.
— Courtney C. Hobson (@CuppaCourtney) March 18, 2016
#ncph2016 #s29 @Behristotle says that @knavarrotx4evr told her to take action if she wanted to see change in the field.
— Courtney C. Hobson (@CuppaCourtney) March 18, 2016
How are public history programs recruiting students? who are they recruiting? #HistoryInMyImage #s29 #ncph2016
— Nicole A. Moore (@namoore) March 18, 2016
#ncph2016 #s29 @lwalterscooper PH grad programs tend to do outreach within
— Courtney C. Hobson (@CuppaCourtney) March 18, 2016
#ncph2016 #s29 @CuratingCamille only 2 unis in US offer funding to POC: Brown and Yale
— Courtney C. Hobson (@CuppaCourtney) March 18, 2016
Funding for academic work and internships can help recruitment people of color in #publichistory; class is also a factor #s29 #ncph2016
— Lisa R. Withers (@witherskid3) March 18, 2016
a lot of fine print in some funding agreements don't allow for interns to get paid unless they fit in a very specific box #s29 #ncph2016
— Nicole A. Moore (@namoore) March 18, 2016
#ncph2016 #s29 @lwalterscooper the structure of the work needs to be question. Who does the unpaid internship benefit?
— Courtney C. Hobson (@CuppaCourtney) March 18, 2016
Audience comment: lots of institutions depend on unpaid labor of women and POC and young people to sustain themselves #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
Disproportionate pressure on poc to tell the story of their race at organization. Not cool. #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
mentorship is important to POC in this field. Have to know that you have someone who understands #s29 #ncph2016
— Nicole A. Moore (@namoore) March 18, 2016
Smithsonian NMAH's internship coordinator says @MellonFdn also funds internships, thinks @FordFoundation is going to start! #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
Critical to support students of color, context where they are often told should feel grateful for opps given by white people #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
.@CuratingCamille: experience of discovering @Smithsonian #NMAH internship coordinator was poc as one of great solace #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
Beyond Freeman Tilden and other white authors: who is writing the books used in PH training? #s29 #ncph2016
— cathystanton (@cathystanton) March 18, 2016
Classic works have their place but we now have books in the field on diverse topics and by many authors #ncph2016 #s29 #NCPHDiversity
— Lisa R. Withers (@witherskid3) March 18, 2016
@CuppaCourtney: diverse #publichistory projects are equally important as reading diverse books for courses #s29 #ncph2016 #NCPHDiversity
— Lisa R. Withers (@witherskid3) March 18, 2016
@NicNat_artifakz: exhausting to have to spend entire 3 hours of seminar educating your peers on cultural sensitivity–yes! #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
Audience comment: pushed by professors to study slavery, suspects b/c she was black. later interested in interp of slavery #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
Prof at mostly white southern univ asks how to get white students to turn their privilege to some good use. #s29 #ncph2016
— cathystanton (@cathystanton) March 18, 2016
.@lwalterscooper brings the point: always have the students ask why they're in the field, what is public history? #s29 #ncph2016
— Nicole A. Moore (@namoore) March 18, 2016
Discussion starting to unpack layers of privilege. Not a monolithic quality, intercut with gender, class, more. #s29 #ncph2016
— cathystanton (@cathystanton) March 18, 2016
.@aleiabrown on challenge of white students at state Us w/working class backgrounds who don't see selves as having privilege #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
.@ModupeLabode: v concerned that we aren't training public historians to be culturally competent, even in race/class/gender #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
Conard: Afrocentrism as intellectual tradition, not an attitude. PH historiography shd show complex roots of contemp thought. #s29 #ncph2016
— cathystanton (@cathystanton) March 18, 2016
Omar from #NMAH: students need "battlefield preparation" to deal with real world challenges to diversity work #s29 #ncph2016
— Dr. Lyra D. Monteiro (she/zie) is not leaving. (@intersectionist) March 18, 2016
Great comment: Need to teach graduates how to prepare to deal with people who don't understand the narrative of privilege #s29 #ncph2016
— Alysha Zemanek (@ADZemanek) March 18, 2016
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