Call for Proposals: “(Re)Active Public History”
OCTOBER 18-19, 2018 | ONLINE
NCPH is excited to announce that our first NCPH Twitter Mini-Con will take place October 18-19, 2018. The theme for the conference is (Re)Active Public History and is rooted in a desire to critically discuss the active ways that public historians engage with the public, the past, and historical scholarship.
Modeled after last year’s Beyond 150 Twitter Conference, this NCPH Twitter Mini-Con comes with no conference fees and no travel costs. It is designed to encourage collaboration and public engagement, and to spark discussion in an accessible format. This is a great opportunity to participate in the NCPH community if you can’t make to the upcoming 2019 annual meeting in Hartford, Connecticut.
(Now closed) Submit a proposal by September 7, 2018 via the form here.
Increasingly, there have been calls for public historians to respond to current events, document ongoing social movements, and put our professional knowledge into practice in active ways. The work of public historians connects our understanding of the past to present day realities.
Some ways of thinking about the conference theme might include:
- Public history as a form of activism
- Active outreach and educational programming
- The intersections of privilege, ableism, and public history
- How can public historians document and respond to protest movements, grassroots activism, and contemporary events?
- How can public history inspire active ways of engaging with the world? (walks, physical movement, etc.)
- What types of activism and advocating are needed within the public history profession?
Abstracts are now being accepted for the first NCPH Twitter Mini-Con to be held October 18-19, 2018. Proposals which explore how public history intersects with political activism, audience engagement, and physical activity are all welcome.
We are open to proposals on other topics that address the theme of active public history work in some way. We especially welcome presentations from Indigenous and LGBTQ+ scholars and public historians of color.
Details on the logistics of the #NCPHactive Twitter Mini-Con can be found in the presenters’ guide.
Questions or inquiries about this conference can be made to [email protected].