Manuscript Submission Policy

Manuscripts should be prepared according the Chicago Manual of Style guidelines and submitted as a double-spaced Word file (WordPerfect is not acceptable). Endnotes should appear at the end of the manuscript and must be double-spaced.  The author’s name and address should appear only on a separate title page (so that we can send anonymous copies to reviewers). Electronic files should be submitted as e-mail attachments sent to [email protected].

Appropriate subtitles of no more than five words in length may be used to divide manuscripts.

An abstract of approximately 100 words must accompany each manuscript.

Five key words or phrases must be appended to the abstract. A keyword is defined as a subject term, critical expression, key phrase, abbreviation, or indexing word that is associated with the whole document and can be used for identification, searching, and indexing purposes.

Accompanying each submitted manuscript should be a brief description of the author’s background and work in the field of public history for use in a contributor’s note.

Illustrations, photographs, maps, and other images, are encouraged, and will be included whenever possible. Images should be provided in tiff (preferred) or jpg format, sized at 4” wide with a minimum 300 dpi. Indicate in the text the correct location of the figure and submit a separate sheet with image captions.

Send by e-mail to:

Sarah Case, Editor
E-mail: [email protected]