Crossing borders: Public history conversations on the War of 1812 Bicentennial online and in print
Bicentennial commemoration activities of the War of 1812 are active and ongoing, involving scholars, reenactors, museum professionals, historic site administrators, and various publics on both sides of the Canada/United States border. In the spirit of crossing borders, The Public Historian and History@Work invite readers to join a collaborative conversation about the bicentennial that bridges the print and electronic worlds.
The conversation begins with the February 2013 issue of The Public Historian, which includes an insightful essay by Karim M. Tiro on the differing national approaches to remembering the war as well as two War of 1812-related reviews. Meanwhile, here at History@Work you can find pieces by Adam Shoalts and Matthew Barlow. We hope you’ll take advantage of the blog as a place to share your own thoughts, analyses, and experiences of War of 1812 commemorations.
We invite ideas for future essays or reviews about the War of 1812 Bicentennial in either the journal or the blog. For The Public Historian, contact Managing Editor Sarah Case. For History@Work, email the editors. We look forward to learning from this first collaborative foray and to expanding this kind of collaboration in the years ahead.
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