Usage as Authenticity at House Museums and Historic Sites

Ted Maust, M.A. Student, Temple University

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Material Culture
  • Museums/Exhibits
  • Preservation

The Chamounix Mansion in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, PA, has been a youth hostel since 1964. In 1967, the women’s committee undertook the project of decorating much of the ground floor in period furnishings. Read More

Crossing the Line: Facilitating Digital Access to Primary Sources

Marie Pellissier, Graduate Student, Loyola University Chicago

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Digital
  • Inclusion

The first British edition of Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense offers a fascinating look into the British reaction to the American Revolution and a reminder of the global consequences of the American Revolution. Read More

Streamlining and Automating Metadata Creation for Digital Projects

Jane Davis, Vice President of Access and Digital Services, Linda Hall Library

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Archives
  • Digital
  • Science and Tech

This hands-on workshop will demonstrate free or under-utilized tools to automate or streamline metadata creation for digital projects.  Read More

Visualizing Recovery from Cruel Pasts – using creative arts to relieve the pain

Julia Wells, Head, Isikhumbuzo Applied History Unit, Rhodes University

Proposal Type


  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Inclusion
  • Memory
  • Place

While painful events in the past cannot be changed, how we feel about them can.  Our team demonstrates how the story of an unsung hero from the early days of colonial conquest in South Africa can inspire and uplift audiences. Read More

Death and Display, Bodies and Boundaries

Katie Stringer Clary, Public History Instructor

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Civic Engagement
  • Material Culture
  • Memory
  • Museums/Exhibits

This roundtable explores the ethics, public reactions, and responsibilities of pubic historians in the display and exhibition of human remains. Read More

Relitigating Civil Rights: Social Justice, Public History, and the Law

Erin Devlin, Assistant Professor, University of Mary Washington

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Civic Engagement
  • Consulting
  • Memory

A celebratory public history of the civil rights movement– which casts racial injustice as a relic of the past– has been deployed in federal courts to rollback oversight of school desegregation, voter registration, and to legitimize police brutality and mass incarceration. Read More

Making the Inaccessible Accessible

Jamie Melissa Wilms, Director of Education, Molly Brown House Museum

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Civic Engagement
  • Museums/Exhibits
  • Place

The Molly Brown House Museum in Denver, CO is currently striving to make it’s 120+ year old home accessible to all.  Read More

Sanctuary Communities: Answering to a Higher Law

Anne Salsich, Associate Archivist, Oberlin College Archives

Proposal Type

Pecha Kucha

  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Archives
  • Digital
  • Inclusion

In 2017, local and state entities have declared themselves sanctuary communities for immigrants that are targets of the Trump administration’s inherently divisive policy to remove or bar non-citizens from the U.S. Read More

Gender in Public History: Using Public History to tell Untold or Forgotten Stories

Sara Sanders, Student Member

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Inclusion
  • Memory
  • Theory

In 1956 20,000 women of all races gathered in Pretoria to demand that Pass Laws not be extended to women. Read More

Public History for Undergraduates: Local history, preservation, and hands-on learning

Donna Donald, Assistant Professor, Liberty University

Proposal Type
  • Panel
  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Preservation
  • Teaching

To share successes and failures in the process of launching our first public history offerings, a few introductory classes for undergraduates. Read More