NCPH Diversity Travel Award

Four $500 travel grants to support attendance at the NCPH Annual Meeting for representatives of minority-supporting institutions, including but not limited to universities (including HBCUs, HSIs, etc.), museums, historic sites, and other organizations that base their primary work in supporting marginalized communities through public history broadly defined.

Launched in 2024, this award fulfills one of the primary goals of the diversity pillar of the 2023-2028 Long Range Plan: to create more transparency in the Program Chair’s Discretionary Fund by converting it into a travel award to help support diversity at our annual meeting.

2024 Winners

  • Melody Hunter-Pillion
  • Chelsea Kiefer
  • Ummul Munseneen
  • Ashleigh N. Williams

2025 Submission Guidelines

The National Council on Public History offers four $500 travel grants to encourage representatives of minority supporting institutions, including but not limited to universities (including HBCUs, HSIs, etc.), museums, historic sites, and other organizations that base their primary work in supporting marginalized communities through public history broadly defined. Each award recipient will be presented with a check mailed out prior to the conference (in 2025 the conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec, Canada). A certificate will be presented during the awards breakfast at the annual meeting. Award winners receive complimentary registration for the awards breakfast.


Applicants must be members of NCPH and represent a minority-supporting institution and/or be a member of an underrepresented group, broadly defined, to be eligible for this award.

Award Criteria

Applicants should submit the form, a current CV or resume, and a letter of need explaining the following:

  • how the funding will help you fulfill your professional and institutional goals that further the representation of underrepresented groups in the field
  • how this funding will make a difference in your ability to attend
  • why are you hoping to attend the NCPH annual meeting

Submission Process

Fill out the form:

The form includes a file upload for your CV or resume and a file upload for your letter of need. Both documents should be uploaded as a Word document or PDF. Once submitted the form will be sent to each of the Diversity Travel Award Committee members.

Nominations must be received no later than December 1, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.

Questions?  [email protected]; (317) 274-2716