New Professional Award
Two $500 travel grants to encourage new professionals, practicing public history for no more than three years, to attend the 2025 Annual Meeting in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
2024 Winners
Historical Research Associates, Inc. (HRA) New Professional Travel Award Winner
Augusta “Gus” Rudnick, City of Greeley Museums
NCPH New Professional Travel Award Winner
Roman Cain, The Ohio State University
2024 Honorable Mention
Karina Gomez, National Museum of American History
2025 Submission Guidelines
The National Council on Public History offers two $500 travel grants to encourage new professionals to attend the NCPH 2025 annual meeting. (New professionals are individuals, such as recent graduates of public history programs, who have been working within the public history profession for less than three years.) Each award recipient will be presented with a certificate and a cash award during the awards breakfast at the annual meeting. One of the New Professional Awards is underwritten each year by Historical Research Associates, Inc. Award winners receive complimentary registration for the awards breakfast.
Applicants must be members of NCPH, must have been practicing public historians for no more than three (3) years, and must have no institutional travel support to attend the annual meeting. We strongly encourage recipients attend the annual meeting.
Award Criteria
Applicants should submit this form, a current CV or resume, and a letter explaining how attendance at the annual meeting would be professionally beneficial. Applications will be judged on the strength of the CV and the persuasiveness of the letter.
Submission Process
Fill out the form (the form is closed for the 2025 award).
The form includes a file upload for your CV or resume and a file upload for supplemental material (such as your letter). Both documents should be uploaded as a Word document or PDF. Once submitted the form will be sent to each of the New Professional Award Committee members.
Nominations must be received no later than December 1, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.
Questions? [email protected]; (317) 274-2716
Past New Professional Award Winners
Since 2004, two awards are given, one of which is underwritten by Historical Research Associates, Inc.
- Onyx Montes, Define American
- Hannah Fradkin, The Claremont Colleges Library
- Laurel Overstreet, Luci Creative
- Joel Zapata, Oregon State University
- Cheryl Dong, University of Northern Iowa
- Jacqueline Hudson, Bowling Green State University
- GVGK Tang, Independent Scholar
- Carys O’Neill, International Museum of Surgical Science
- Porsha Dossie, National Park Service, Park History Program
- Sonya Laney, Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum and North Carolina State Historic Site
- Kimber J. Heinz, Bull City 150, Duke University
- Shakti Castro, BOOM!Health
- Lily Anne Welty Tamai, Japanese American National Museum & University of California, Los Angeles
- Alyssa Constad, General Federation of Women’s Clubs
- Erendina A. Delgadillo, LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes
- William F. Stoutamire, The Frank House, University of Nebraska at Kearney
- Rebecca Onion,
- Abby Curtin, Cleveland Restoration Society
- Susan C. Hall, Brea Museum & Heritage Center
- Ricardo Santhiago, Universidade Federal Fluminense
- Claire Jerry, Curator, Paul Findley Archives, Illinois College
- Caroline Muglia, Archivist, American Council of Learned Societies, Library of Congress
- Lauren Brincat, Museum of the City of New York
- Julia Brock, University of California Santa Barabara
From 2003-2011, New Professional Award winners wrote an article for the Summer/June issue of the NCPH newsletter,Public History News. Please see the links and pages below.
- Erik Christiansen, Rhode Island College (pg 10)
- Nicole Annette Moore, Culture and Heritage Museums in Rock Hill, North Carolina (pg 10)
- Alisha Cromwell, Living City Preservation (pg 14)
- Laura McDowell, The Mitchell Museum of the American Indian, the Newberry Library, and the Edgewater Historical Society (pg 14)
- Meghan Bishop, Tyron Palace Historic Sites and Garden (pg 11)
- Santi Thompson, Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina (no article available)
- Peter Friesen, Godiah Spray Tobacco Plantation at Historic St. Mary’s City (pg 8)
- John Dickinson, Georgia Historical Society and Costal Oral History Project (pg 8)
- Leigh Cutler, Historical Research Associates, Inc. (pg 19)
- Lee Wittmann, Independent Historian (pg 14)
- Stephen Light, Columbia County Historical Society (pg 9)
- Kate Navarra Thibodeau, Wistariahurst Museum (pg 9)
- Kris Woll, Gotham Center for New York City History (pg 6)
- Jennifer Ross-Nazzal, NASA Johnson Space Center (pg 6)
- David Cline, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (pg 6)
- Allison Marsh, National Museum of American History (pg 6)
- Brian Buff, Albany County Historical Association (pg 7)
- Edward Salo, Geo-Marine, Inc.
- James Holton, Polk County Historical Museum
- Michael Kelleher, Building Conservation Associates
First year presented
- Douglas Dodd, California Department of Transportation