Preservation or Demolition? It All Depends…

Michael binder, Air Force Declassification Office

Proposal Type

Open to discussion; perhaps Point-Counterpoint?


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Government Historians
  • Material Culture
  • Preservation

Whether a historic building gets preserved or demolished often rests on the historic context on which its significance is evaluated.   Read More

3D Scanning and Printing – New Technologies of Repair and Reconstruction

Rebecca Perry, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Proposal Type



  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
Related Topics
  • Digital
  • Preservation

Digital 3D scanning and 3D printing are two of the digital technologies that are entering the museum as tools for capturing and reconstructing individual physical artifacts – or even capturing entire physical locations and creating digital models. Read More

On Archiving Rubble

Leen katrib, princeton university

Proposal Type



  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Archives
  • Material Culture
  • Preservation

In 1903, Alois Riegl distinguished between ruins & rubble through the recognition of an original form. He defines rubble as a formless pile that reveals no trace of the original creation, thereby no longer conveying age-value. Read More

Repairing National Register nominations: The Struggles and Challenges of Maintaining Accurate Documentation in a Changing World

jENNIFER bETSWORTH, New York State Historic Preservation Office

Proposal Type

Working Group

  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Consulting
  • Government Historians
  • Preservation

National Register nominations are often foundational documents in a community’s effort to preserve important sites or neighborhoods. Read More

Historical Precedents for Public History Overseas: The Power of Exporting History-Making Models

Joana Arruda, Independent Historian

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
Related Topics
  • Government Historians
  • Preservation

This panel will explore past and present examples of American cultural institutions that collaborated internationally in public historical contexts. In the post-World War II period, several governmental and nongovernmental organizations such as UNESCO, ICOMOS, and the National Park Service Division of International Affairs were formed to work together on the newly constructed idea of World Heritage and offered technical assistance overseas. Read More

Distinguishing “historic” from just plain “old”

Michael Binder, Technical Advisor, Air Force Declassification Office

Proposal Type

Open for discussion/debate

  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Government Historians
  • Material Culture
  • Preservation

Government historians cannot save everything, be it historical documents or an old building, but they are often called upon to separate the historic “wheat” from the just plain old “chaff.”  Read More

Saving Underrepresented Voices: Failures & Successes of Diversity in Oral History

Matthew Coody, Executive Director, New York Preservation Archive Project

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Inclusion
  • Oral History
  • Preservation

We propose a panel discussion that explores the failures and successes of initiatives working to document underrepresented voices across America today. Read More

New Directions for National Register Nominations

Steve Mark, Historian, National Park Service

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Government Historians
  • Material Culture
  • Preservation

The National Register of Historic Places has served as the linchpin of cultural resources management in the Federal Government since the National Historic Preservation Act was passed by Congress in 1966.  Read More

Public History and Hansen’s disease-related memories

Viviane Borges, Doutora, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Proposal Type


  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Archives
  • Material Culture
  • Memory
  • Museums/Exhibits
  • Oral History
  • Preservation

The project proposes two lines of action. The first focused on the identification and enrollment of objects related to the leprosarium history and the second on patients commitment to creating the memorial. Read More

Public vs. Private: Practical Applications of Public History in a Rural, Libertarian State

Jim Bertolini, Historian, Nevada State Historic Preservation Office

Proposal Type


  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Civic Engagement
  • Place
  • Preservation

Ranching is an endemic part of Nevada’s history that symbolizes both the culture of the region and its political controversies, from the Sagebrush Rebellion to Bunkerville. Read More