Steve Mark, Historian, National Park Service

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Government Historians
  • Material Culture
  • Preservation

The National Register of Historic Places has served as the linchpin of cultural resources management in the Federal Government since the National Historic Preservation Act was passed by Congress in 1966.  Although sometimes unfairly stereotyped as a bastion for architectural historians, the range of resources listed on the National Register is the result of drawing upon expertise in a wide range of fields.  A surprisingly large number of public historians, however, have never nominated a property, much less had it listed.  This workshop is about sharing approaches and pointers about the nomination process, including how to go about inventorying resources and the stamina required to see the process through to listing.


I am looking for one or two panelists/presenters who can help me demystify  the nomination process, starting with a simple project and proceeding toward the more complex.  For example, while a cabin or residence might fit the “architectural paradigm,” linear properties like roads and trails often require an understanding of engineering or archaeology.  Cultural landscapes can be approached in several different ways, as a product of design typologies or methods derived from ethnography.  I am specifically looking for co-presenters who have had nominations listed, but with experience in areas like traditional cultural properties, archaeology, objects, and/or linear resources.  It would also be great to have the perspectives of those working at state historical preservation offices or the National Register Program of the NPS.  The goal is to provide tools for participants to use in approaching “non-traditional” types of nominations.

If you have a direct offer of assistance, sensitive criticism, or wish to pass along someone’s contact information confidentially, please get in contact directly: Steve Mark, [email protected]

If you have general ideas or feedback to share, please feel free to use the comments feature below.

All feedback and offers of assistance should be submitted by July 2, 2017.


1 comment
  1. Jim Gabbert says:

    I am on board with this – I think that it is a good topic and an opportunity to de-mystify the process. I’d love to help (National Register historian, NPS)

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