Adina Langer, Curator, Museum of History and Holocaust Education

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Consulting
  • Inclusion
  • Theory

What challenges are present when you attempt to sustain projects across distances, both physically and culturally? How can we better maintain strong, equal relationships across distances?  This round-table will seek to elucidate best practices in international public history, “parent-child” project relationships, and topical consultant-institution relationships.


This proposal idea was born from a desire to explore three very different case studies in sustaining relationships across different kinds of physical and cultural distances. One core partnership that will be included is that between the Museum of History and Holocaust Education in Kennesaw Georgia and the Ben M’sik Community Museum at Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco.  Representatives of those two museums will address the full collaboration between the two institutions as they developed various projects together including Websites, oral histories, and exhibits, both digital and traveling. They will focus on their efforts to maintain parity in the process and to involve students and staff/faculty in meaningful ways. Another possible participant is a former staff-member at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum in Manhattan who will talk about using the template she helped to create at that “parent” institution for a new project in a far northern suburb of the city (parent/child relationship). We also had the idea of enlisting someone from the Museums Access Consortium in Chicago to talk about the process of introducing innovations in access to museum as a knowledgeable “outsider” consultant, but have not yet been successful.  Additional ideas on this topic are welcome.

If you have a direct offer of assistance, sensitive criticism, or wish to pass along someone’s contact information confidentially, please get in contact directly: Adina Langer, [email protected]

If you have general ideas or feedback to share, please feel free to use the comments feature below.

All feedback and offers of assistance should be submitted by July 2, 2017.


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