Calls for Proposals
Open Calls
A lot has happened since NCPH’s call for session proposals closed last July. We have reserved space for important issues and discussions that might otherwise be missing on our 2020 program due to the eight-month gap between the primary proposal deadline and the conference itself. NCPH seeks brief proposals for discussions to be held onsite at our 2020 conference in Atlanta, Georgia this March 18-21. These “On the Fly” sessions are structured conversations held in session rooms during blocks of regular conference programming, providing space for attendees to discuss current events or issues that feel especially timely, important, or newly relevant. Check out the full CFP and volunteer to lead a conversation by filling out the form at
Call for Out on the Town proposals – Deadline February 21
We’re piloting a new program this year in Atlanta that’s designed to help you get to know Atlanta historical and cultural institutions and make new public history friends. You propose an Outing (say to a museum or historic site), let us know when you’d like to go and how many people you’d like to join you, and if accepted we’ll put out a sign-up sheet at the conference to help you connect with other registrants. Outings are subject to NCPH approval based on suitability and our capacity. Check out the full description and guidelines here, and propose an Outing via the form at
Questions? Email NCPH Program Manager Meghan Hillman at [email protected], or call 317-274-4146.
Closed Calls
Call for pop-ups – NOW CLOSED
The Call for Pop-Ups closed on January 20. Proposers will hear back about the status of their proposal in early February.
Call for Dine Arounds – NOW CLOSED
The Call for Dine Arounds closed on January 20. Dine Around leaders will hear back about the status of their proposal within two weeks of submission.
Call for Working Group Discussants – now closed
The Call for Working Group Discussants closed in mid-October. Please note that all accepted working group discussants must submit a non-refundable registration fee for the annual meeting by December 18, 2019 to secure their space on the 2020 Program.
call for poster proposals – now closed
The Call for Posters for our 2020 meeting in Atlanta, Georgia closed on October 7, 2019. Poster proposers will be informed of their acceptance by late October. Please note that all accepted poster presenters must submit a non-refundable registration fee for the annual meeting by December 18, 2019 to secure their space on the 2020 Program.
The Call for Proposals for our 2020 meeting in Atlanta, Georgia opened on April 1, 2019 and closed on July 15, 2019. Proposers were informed of their acceptance by mid-September. Please note that all accepted presenters must submit a non-refundable registration fee for the annual meeting within 6 weeks of their acceptance notification to secure their space on the 2020 Program.
The Call for Workshops for our 2020 meeting in Atlanta, Georgia opened on April 1, 2019 and closed on July 15, 2019. Proposers were informed of their acceptance by mid-August. Please note that all accepted presenters must submit a non-refundable registration fee for the annual meeting within 6 weeks of their acceptance notification to secure their space on the 2020 Program.
Working Group Proposal Submission – now closed
The Call for Working Groups for our 2020 meeting in Atlanta, Georgia opened on April 1, 2019 and closed on July 15, 2019. Proposers were informed of their acceptance by mid-August. Please note that all accepted presenters must submit a non-refundable registration fee for the annual meeting within 6 weeks of their acceptance notification to secure their space on the 2020 Program.
The topic proposal submission form closed on June 1, 2019. You can check out the topic proposals we received here!
Our topic proposal option is a way for those interested in submitting a proposal for our 2020 conference in Atlanta, Georgia to seek feedback on a preliminary idea or get in touch with possible co-presenters in advance of filling out a complete proposal form. Topic proposals opened to submissions on April 1, 2019, with a deadline of June 1, 2019. After receiving feedback on your proposal from members of the NCPH community and 2020 Program Committee, you’ll have the opportunity to submit a final proposal by the July 15 deadline.