Travel & Lodging
The Westin Peachtree Plaza in downtown Atlanta, Georgia is the main location for NCPH 2020 conference sessions and events. The National Council on Public History has secured a block of rooms at the hotel at a rate of $195/night; reservations must be made by February 26, 2020. Please note that the block may fill before this date.
Please use the Westin’s online portal to reserve your room! You can also call the Westin Peachtree Plaza at (404) 659-1400 to request a room in the National Council on Public History’s block.
Update 1/23/20: The NCPH room block is very close to full on multiple nights of the conference. We are looking into an overflow block and will communicate that information as soon as it is available. We also anticipate some space opening up in that block as some student attendees are accommodated in a separate student block, and we’ll let you know via this website and the NCPH Twitter (@ncph) when this happens! You can also email NCPH Program Manager Meghan Hillman ([email protected]) to be notified if rooms become available.