American Association for State and Local History
The Association for Living History, Farm and Agricultural Museums (ALHFAM)
Atlanta History Center
auut studio
Goucher College
Ingenium: Canada’s Museums of Science and Innovation
International Coalition of Sites of Conscience
Kennesaw State University
Know History Inc.
Library of Virginia
Made by Us
NCPH 40th Anniversary Ad Hoc Committee
NCPH Development Committee
Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC)
O.B.A. Quilts
Oral History Association
Rowman & Littlefield
Shrine of the Black Madonna Cultural Center
The Media Preserve
Tourmate Systems Ltd.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM)
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Central Florida
University of Georgia and University of Georgia Press
University of Massachusetts Press
University of Nebraska at Kearney
West Virginia University and West Virginia University Press
With materials from University of North Carolina Press
ABOUT THE #ncph2020 exhibit hall
Join the NCPH exhibit hall in the Westin Peachtree Plaza in Atlanta, Georgia for NCPH’s annual meeting and 40th birthday celebration, March 18-21, 2020! Our exhibit hall hosts 3+ networking beverage breaks; plenty of pop-up activities, exhibits, and skills labs; and a gathering space for attendees we call The Commons. At NCPH 2020 it will also be a hub of activity for our 40th anniversary commemorations.
The exhibit hall is open for exhibitor set-up on Wednesday, March 18 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. The hall is open Thursday and Friday from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm and on Saturday, March 21 from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Exhibitors are welcome to dismantle their exhibits from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Saturday (or we do offer an early dismantle option if you need to leave early).
Contact [email protected] with questions!
Not-for-Profit organizations (including universities) | $350 |
Commercial organizations | $450 |
Unstaffed, shared exhibit booth | $200 |
Additional tables | $225 each |
Early dismantle fee | $75 |
8’x10’ space in the exhibit hall for the duration of the conference
6’x30” skirted table, two chairs, 500-watt electrical service
Two complimentary meeting registrations (not for unstaffed booths)
Listing in digital and print annual meeting Programs
Listing, logo, and 100-word description in annual meeting mobile app
Acknowledgement on NCPH website and meeting advertisements
Pre- and post-meeting attendee email list for a one-time message each
Exhibitors will be contacted in Fall 2019 with an exhibitor manual and an opportunity to select their spot in the exhibit hall (in the order of purchase).
Contact [email protected] with questions!