Working in a Classified Environment

Michael Binder, Technical Advisor, Air Force Declassification Office

Proposal Type

Open for discussion/debate

  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Government Historians

In contrast with most public historians, government historians frequently find themselves working in one of a wide variety of classified environments.  Read More

Document Dumps in the 21st Century: How Leaks and Hacks Could Change Historical Research

Constantin Eckner, PhD Researcher, University of St Andrews

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Archives
  • Digital

My topic is the phenomenon of leaks and hacks in the 21st century, as this phenomenon could change the way historians can and will conduct research when confidential documents are available soon after they have been authored. Read More

Saving Underrepresented Voices: Failures & Successes of Diversity in Oral History

Matthew Coody, Executive Director, New York Preservation Archive Project

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Inclusion
  • Oral History
  • Preservation

We propose a panel discussion that explores the failures and successes of initiatives working to document underrepresented voices across America today. Read More

Public Histories of Poverty

Ethan Sribnick, Consultant, Adjunct Professor, Montgomery College

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Consulting
  • Inclusion

As a consultant, I have been engaged in writing institutional histories of social welfare and advocacy organizations that have focused on the needs of the poor and dispossessed. Read More

New Arenas for Proactive Public Historians

Rebecca Bush, Curator of History/Exhibitions Manager, The Columbus Museum

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Civic Engagement
  • Inclusion

This roundtable seeks to highlight the experiences of public historians who are proactive in their communities in sometimes unexpected ways. Read More

Creating Metadata for your Digital Project

Steven Rossio, City Historian, Portage District Library

Proposal Type

Structured Conversation

  •  Seeking Additional Presenters
Related Topics
  • Archives
  • Digital

The topic I wish to present focuses on the effective creation of metadata in digital projects.  The discussion will include such things as types of material (both on-line and book form) available for creating the metadata, knowing how far to take the research and when to stop.  Read More

Exploring the Ties Between Local History and Change at the Grassroots

Hope Shannon, PhD Candidate, Loyola University Chicago

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Civic Engagement

This roundtable will explore how local history can be used to shape political and social change at the local level. Read More

New Directions for National Register Nominations

Steve Mark, Historian, National Park Service

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Government Historians
  • Material Culture
  • Preservation

The National Register of Historic Places has served as the linchpin of cultural resources management in the Federal Government since the National Historic Preservation Act was passed by Congress in 1966.  Read More

Sustaining Projects Across Distances

Adina Langer, Curator, Museum of History and Holocaust Education

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Consulting
  • Inclusion
  • Theory

What challenges are present when you attempt to sustain projects across distances, both physically and culturally? Read More

Virginia’s First Lunch Counter Sit-in Demonstrations: Hampton Institute Students and the Dismantling of Jim Crow

Zachary McKiernan, Professor, Cuesta College

Proposal Type


  • Seeking Additional Presenters
  • Seeking Specific Expertise
  • Seeking General Feedback and Interest
Related Topics
  • Civic Engagement
  • Memory
  • Oral History

On February 10, 1960, students from Hampton Institute staged Virginia’s first lunch counter demonstrations; a movement that morphed into economic boycotts, picket lines, and voter registration drives.  Read More