Tag Archive

graduate students

Planning for engagement


In the two years that I have worked in my current position as Western Region Engagement Manager with The Trustees of Reservations, I get asked one question more than any other: “What is an Engagement Manager?”

Although I have a short response–“I oversee any point of contact between our properties and the public”–the frequency with which I encounter the question motivates me again and again to contemplate the work of “engagement” and what it really means to “manage” it at our sites. Read More

Grad students and new professionals at the conference

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Graduate students and new professionals headed to the NCPH/OAH Conference in Milwaukee–let’s get to know each other! Please join the NCPH New Professionals and Graduate Students Committee for a social outing at Milwaukee Ale House (233 North Water St., downtown Milwaukee, a short walk from the Frontier Airlines Center) on Thursday, April 19th, from 7:30 to 10:30pm. Read More

Work in progress: Public History Career Resource

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web site screen shotI am always happy to discover how often new media scholarship benefits traditional research as well as public history practice. My recent experience with one particular online project using Zotero demonstrates how new media innovation can invigorate our classroom instruction in unexpected ways. Read More

View from the New: Graduate students and new professionals on History@Work

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We all have to start somewhere. Public historians arrive in the profession from a variety of different places. We are inspired to work in a field that invokes passion and a lot of heart–but at some point we have all taken our first steps into the profession, either as graduate students or as new professionals who came into our public history work from unexpected directions. Read More