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Saving sacred spaces: History@Work to preserve African American churches in the South

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Despite their profound cultural and historical importance, civic leaders often neglect the preservation of African American churches in the South in favor of saving buildings that promise economic benefits or contribute to the development of private or public communities. Yet, these churches have always been central to African American communities, serving as places of worship, centers of civil rights activism, and sacred spaces for social and moral support. Read More

A period room for all seasons: Action Comics #1 in the DAR Museum

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The goal of the education department at the Daughters of the American Revolution Museum is to diversify conversations in the period rooms beyond craft and collecting to include more American history and culture. In that pursuit, we added an additional interpretive layer to the Indiana Period Room with objects of distinct cultural and popular culture significance that have led to broader interpretive changes throughout the organization. Read More

The Pandemic Religion digital collection: documenting religious practice during COVID-19

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When classes, conferences, and other large in-person gatherings moved to virtual platforms last spring in response to COVID-19, religious services were no exception. Under these circumstances, how have different religious communities adapted to practicing their religion remotely? To explore these and related questions, the Pandemic Religion project collects and preserves the experiences and responses of different religious communities in the U.S. Read More

Project Showcase: (In)Visible Princeton

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As an institution older than the nation itself, Princeton University and its history often reflect social and political trends of the broader United States, as well as its patterns of exclusion and erasure. A new digital project, called (In)Visible Princeton, is one step toward confronting some of these historical injustices and helping Princeton reconcile the values of its past with the ones it embodies today. Read More