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NCPH Board Member Posts

Long Range Plan: Stewardship

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If we learned anything from the 2018–2022 Long Range Plan, it’s that imagining the events of the next five years—let alone planning for them—requires a great deal of creativity. Over many months of focus groups, drafts, and revisions, the Long Range Planning Committee has worked to develop a flexible framework for a set of ambitious, but attainable, goals that build on and mutually reinforce one another. Read More

Still grinding? How the pandemic is accelerating job precarity in public history

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Job precarity has become a defining feature of the public history field in recent years as workers grind through extractive cycles of unstable, part-time, and temporary work. A 2017 survey on Public History Education and Employment compiled by NCPH, AASLH, AHA, and OAH reported that “respondents noted that contract work has become more common, permanent positions less numerous, and part-time and term employment ubiquitous.” Read More

Why NCPH will only post jobs with compensation information

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Editors’ Note: As of September 9, 2020, all positions listed on the NCPH jobs page must include a salary, salary range, hourly rate, salary code, or some other measure of compensation. In this essay, NCPH graduate assistant Hannah Jane Smith and board member Suzanne Fischer cover some of the reasons why the Board made this change. Read More

The Continuing Work of the Board-led Subcommittee on Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harrasment

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Authors’ Note: As you may be aware, the status of the NCPH annual meeting has changed. The sessions will not take place as described below, but the activities of the committee continue.

As we look forward to our annual meeting in Atlanta, members of the National Council on Public History (NCPH) board-led Subcommittee on Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment wanted to share an update on our recent activities. Read More

Seeking feedback on the NCPH Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

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The NCPH Governance Committee is seeking your help as we work to update an important document in the life of our organization. As our organization has grown and changed, so must our Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. As NCPH celebrates its 40th anniversary year, we are reminded of the dynamic growth of the field of public history and of this organization. Read More